
Laying of Hands

This is an ancient tradition and healing practice, one that is even mentioned in the Bible. 

As a child, when hurt, it would be a natural reaction to run to your mother and show her what had happened.

Instinctively she would cover the wound with her hands or give it a kiss. And suddenly you would feel a lot better, and the pain would seem to lessen. This is essentially what magnetism is: the transfer of energy from one body to another. As a magnetiser, I do not transfer my own ‘personal’ energy, but rather I draw on the universal energy that is always abundantly available all around us.

How does it work:

First, we have an introductory chat where you tell me what's bothering you at the moment. Afterwords you lie down in a quiet room, without distractions (phone, TV, etc) and I will execute a protocol. Energy is not bound by distance, we can be at 20.000KM apart, this doesn’t impact the effectiveness of the healing. During this intervention, you will sense things in your body, that’s why it’s keen that you don’t have any distractions whatsoever. Whilst I’am giving the session, I connect with your energy, and I can receive messages from the unseen world concerning you. That’s why you have the possibility to have a call (reading) from 20’, just after the healing session. Total duration is 50’.

What this treatment helps with:

  • Always has a positive impact on a living being
  • Mental/physical complaints
  • Sleep problems
  • Joint pain
  • Headaches/migraines
  • Animals
  • Radio-therapy
  • Chemo-therapy

Book your magnetism session!


(More than 10km)

Everything that concerns energy work can be carried out from any distance. Distance does not exist for energy. Nevertheless, I can come to you with my treatment table, that option exists.

Moving costs


Hourly rate depending on travel time

Return from Koksijde, (Belgium).

Traveling outside Belgium is also possible..

Quote request


(More than 10km)

Everything that concerns energy work can be carried out from any distance. Distance does not exist for energy. Nevertheless, I can come to you with my treatment table, that option exists.

Quote request

Moving costs


Hourly rate depending on travel time

Return from Koksijde, (Belgium).

Traveling outside Belgium is also possible.

Remote or face-to-face

(Less than 10km)



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+ 20' reading by phone

(directly after healing)



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People with burns get treatment


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+ 20' reading by phone

(directly after healing)


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People with burns get treatment


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*open for everybody!

By Belgie October 9, 2024
Dag Peter, ik ben sowieso rustiger (toen ik me opjaagde vroeger, voelde ik m’n hart sneller slaan en mezelf echt onrustig worden), en heb dit gevoel niet meer ondervonden. Ook als ik opsta ben ik kalmer, ontspannender. Dat raar buikgevoel is bijna volledig weg. Ben zo blij, echt waar!
By France October 9, 2024
Après une séance de magnétisme, j’ai eu un élan d’énergie aujourd'hui incroyable ! J’ai aspiré et lavé toute la maison. Et j’ai hyper avancé dans le rangement, nettoyage. J’essaie d’être moins sur mon téléphone et je suis allé faire du vélo cette aprèm. Donc je suis fière de moi!! Merci à toi!!
By France October 9, 2024
C’est vrai et aussi incroyable ce que tu as ressenti ! En tout cas, un énorme merci pour ton retour, c’est impressionnant ! Merci
By France October 9, 2024
Bonjour Peter, juste pour vous directe j’ai trés bien dormi, je me sens bien reposé, j’ai la gorge moins noué ainsi que la nuque. J’avais toujours l’impression que mon coeur tambourinais assez fort en permanence dans ma poitrine, et cela va aussi bien mieux. Merci beaucoup!




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